Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hunting Season

There are many things to enjoy about hunting season:

-being outside in the woods
-feeling fully justified to take an afternoon nap after getting up early
-the wonderful contrast of coming inside where there's a fire going after being outside shiveringly cold
-being able to share the fun with those you love
-filling the freezer
-knowing where our meat comes from
-how warm it makes the rest of winter feel (in contrast to sitting and not moving for 3-4 hours)

I am thankful for the opportunity to have watched Joshua hunt and then to do it at KRiv with Dad and Naom and now to be able to share hunting with Denver. We are thankful for the bounty of this year. Word over here in WI is that the numbers are down, but Denver still has seen quite a few and has gotten two with his bow. When we went home to MN for opener weekend he got two there also. We are so thankful for full freezers!

Thanks to other's generosity we have a dehydrator and I made our first batch of venison jerky- it's amazing!

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