Thursday, December 12, 2013

Banana Pancakes

These couldn't be simpler!

1 banana
2 eggs
Optional additions: cinnamon & vanilla  (a dash of each)

Place everything in the blender at the same time. An immersion blender works well also.

Blend in the blender until smooth and frothy (the eggs get bubbly)

Pour onto a greased hot griddle. Flip and cook both sides until brown. (They are bubbly when you first pour them onto the griddle- so the trick of watching for bubbles with normal pancakes does not work with these.)
I pour straight from my blender

If the pancakes fall apart when you flip them, just move the broken part close to the rest of the pancake and nudge it together. Eggs have an uncanny ability to re-connect with themselves.

Serve with peanut butter or normal pancaking toppings. This morning we topped them with peanut butter, ground flax and pecans. Normally I would also add coconut, but we were out.

I have had success with doubling the recipe, but not tripling.

One handed cooking & Thanksgiving Rolls

In writing the title "One Handed Cooking," I think of the saying "single-handedly" which is quite the opposite of how I feel most days. It's not that the tasks I'm trying to do in the kitchen are intended for only one hand, but rather that my left hand is usually holding the most precious cargo! My sweet Elle girl is my side-kick now.

Here is a picture that an auntie snapped of us at Thanksgiving...working in the kitchen together. She naps and I work. We make a good team.

Elle helps Mommy

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I tried a new roll recipe that is worth posting. I would make them again in a heart-beat. Here is a link to the recipe. I hope you try them and enjoy them! The day before we left for Thanksgiving, Elle slept in, and I made two different batches of rolls, and apple crisp and washed all my dishes!! I was so thankful for her long nap that morning!

Happy baking!

Banana Oatmeal Muffins

Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Oil Free, No Added Sugar...lets see, what else is amazing about these muffins? They have only a few ingredients and one batch fit between both my muffin tins (so I didn't have to do a second batch and wait for the pans to cool in between batches).

On a whim I tried these and I'm so glad that I did. They are "healthy" tasting, so if you want them a little sweeter just add a 1/4-1/2 c. of brown sugar (or any sweetener of your choice).

3 Bananas, mashed - very ripe
1 cup Vanilla Almond Milk
2 eggs
3 cups Oats
1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
1 teaspoon vanilla (I added a bit extra)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
1/4 cup walnuts chopped (optional)
1/8- 1/4 cup shredded coconut (optional)
1/4 cup chocolate chips or blueberries (optional)

375* F for 20 minutes in a greased muffin tin.

Enjoy!  They are very good with peanut butter. Mmmm.. I think I might go have another.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Cliantro-Lime Rice

Do you ever crave Chipotle?....but live hours away from one!!

Quite by accident I recently made a version of cilantro-lime rice that tasted satisfyingly like Chipotle's. One of the reasons, Denver & I assumed, was that the meal was nothing like Chipotle and I wasn't even trying to replicate the flavors. I have found that a "faint likeness" to something can satisfy a mental flavor/craving easier than when flavors are actually close and in the runnings to be like the real thing...but still off.

We were having a meal of fajitas and I didn't want to use tortillas, so instead, I planned on serving the meal over brown rice. Denver heard about the rice and asked for cilantro-lime rice. I prepared one cup of Trader Joe's Basmati Brown Rice according to package directions. After cooking (but careful to not overcook) I added fresh squeezed lime juice from 1 & 1/2 -2 limes and a good clump of cilantro finely chopped (probably about 1/8 c. when chopped, or about 20 stems  - very loose estimation!). This was the most flavorful rice and the most like Chipotle's we have had.

We loved the rice and fajita meal. The next day we used the leftover rice with black beans (instead of the fajita mixture) for a "nacho" (cheesy chip) topping. It was delicious! Layer chips and cheese (pepper jack) then rice and beans and top with a little more cheese! Microwave for a minute and enjoy the deliciousness!  The beans tasted amazingly (and surprisingly) like chicken. Even Denver with his non-pregnant taste buds said so. It was seriously SO Good! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A new house and a new kitchen

There are many "news" in our lives that we are both looking forward to and currently living. We moved to a house - we love it!  The back yard has blackberries and raspberries!

Down the road there are chokecherries and blueberries. Needless to say, we are taking advantage of all this available fruit and it has been a productive harvest.

Our freezer is packed with jams ready for winter indulgences & reminders of summer. Come over and have a bowl of ice cream with chokecherry syrup on it, I think you will agree its delicious.

Chokecherry Syrup

Boil your washed and stemmed berries in a couple inches of water (I think one recipe recommended 1 cup of water for every 3-4 cups of whole berries).  I let them simmer on the stove for hours just to be sure they were good and soft. You can mash them through the colander them immediately or let them cool (which is what I did so I wasn't working with boiling liquid). Toss the large seeds and skins, saving only the juice and any pulp that comes out. Measure and return liquid to a cooking pot. I used less sugar than it called for and we found the tartness a perfect complement for ice cream :)
4 cups chokecherry juice
3 cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla (I wonder what almond extract would taste like??)
1/2 - 1 t cinnamon 
1-2 T pectin (low sugar version)

Stir over low heat uncovered until it thickens slightly (or to whatever consistency you desire). More pectin, sugar and cooking time will result in a thicker more jam-like substance. I think you might need to add 1-2 T. Lemon Juice for it to properly thicken. Let cool again (if it is syrup) and pour into a freezer container  (or you could can the syrup/jam while it is still hot). Enjoy months later over ice cream or hot baked oatmeal. We have also used this syrup in our crepes - delicious when paired with the tangy crepe cream sauce & fresh fruit! 

So with a new house comes a new kitchen. I tried to get a good picture of it the other night and they all turned out blurry, so I will post a blurry picture because that's all I have.

Other new things - our daughter is just about here. Monday we passed our 39 week mark. This means she could come any day or in another 3 weeks :)

We are excited to meet her and see who she looks like and become a family of three.
I think there may be some other "new" things, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head. Enjoying life and my new kitchen, Sarah

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A wonderful find

Tonight I was looking for a fast hamburger bun recipe to finish my meal of sloppy joes. I looked online and tried the "40 minute Hamburger Bun" recipe, hoping it would be good. I am so glad I tried it, because now I have a new favorite!

40 minute Hamburger Buns  (or Quick Dinner Rolls)

Prep: 20 minutes + Rest: 10 min +  Cook: 8-12 minutes

2 T. Active Dry Yeast
1C. + 2T. Warm Water (110-115*)
1/3 C. Oil (I used Olive Oil - any should work)
1/4 C. Sugar (I used Brown Sugar)
1 egg
1 t. salt
3- 3 1/3 C. All Purpose Flour (I used Whole Wheat Flour)

  • In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Add oil and sugar; let stand for 5 minutes. Add the egg, salt and enough flour to form a soft dough.
  • Turn onto a floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 3-5 minutes. Do not let rise. Divide into 12 pieces; shape each into a ball. Place 3 in. apart on greased baking sheets. 
  • To make dinner rolls - I would make more than 12 pieces, maybe 15
  • Cover and let rest for 10 minutes. Bake at 425° for 8-12 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from pans to wire racks to cool. Yield: 1 dozen.
Nutritional Facts 1 serving (1 each) equals 195 calories, 7 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 18 mg cholesterol, 204 mg sodium, 29 g carbohydrate, 1 g fiber, 5 g protein.
These nutritional facts are not for the alterations I made (olive oil, w.w. flour, etc), but just what came with the recipe. Kind of fun and interesting, so I'm including it.

I hope you make these, because I'm positive you will enjoy them!


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Possibly a kitchen helper??

We are having a baby!  

We are so excited! This little baby is expected to come join our family around Labor Day - how fitting :)

From the ultrasound our baby looked active and healthy. It was fun to see them moving all around and then stopping for breaks to nap. So darling; already we love this little one so much!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dip, dip, dip!

For Christmas I tried a couple new dips. Most of them were great, and I look forward to sharing the recipes. They all stored and traveled well - a must around our house! We hope you enjoy them. If you make any good improvements, please share the changes with me :)

Avocado Feta Dip 
1/2 c. red onion  (I do the whole thing)
1 diced seeded jalapeno
Cook both in olive oil for 6 minutes. I cook them till the onions are transparent.

Puree the onion and jalapeno (using my stick blender) with
1 diced avocado (I use the very large Florida/Texas? avocados instead of the normal small ones. If I was using a small avocado I would probably use 2 or 3).
1 c. cilantro
3/4 c. feta
1/4 c. lemon juice
3 T. oil
salt and pepper to taste

Puree until blended well (make sure to get all the cilantro stems blended well) then put in the fridge ...EASY!  Goes very well on chips. Kind of like a variation of guacamole.  Warning: it turns out bright/light green.

Kale Pesto (Thanks Rach) Dip
3 c. packed kale. stems removed and roughly chopped
1 c. packed basil
2 garlic cloves
2/3 c. toasted walnuts
1 c. parmigiana cheese (I used parmesan cheese)
juice from 1/2 lemon (2 T concentrate?)
1/2 t. salt
1/4 t. pepper (I used more)
1/2 c. olive oil

To make pesto into a "dip," combine a couple tablespoons of pesto with:
1/3 c. sour cream
1/2 c. cottage cheese
I'm not sure on my measurements. "Eye" it and add more pesto and cottage cheese to taste.

Food Processor the basil and 1/2 the kale, break it down. Add the rest of kale once first batch is smaller. Add garlic, walnuts. Pulse until it forms a paste. Add lemon juice, cheese, salt, pepper and oil. Pulse until desired consistency.

Rachel shared the Kale Pesto recipe and then I just mixed it with "equal parts" of sour cream and cottage to make a dip. It turned out much like a spinach bread bowl dip. We really enjoyed it!

Hot Black Bean Dip (Thanks Auntie Cubby)
1 15 ox. can black beans - drained and rinsed
1/4 c. sour cream
1/4 c. chicken broth
lime juice 1 T? to taste
1 scallion trimmed, sliced
1 clove garlic
1/2 t. ground cumin
1/2 t. oregano
1/2 t. hot red pepper sauce

Combine all ingredients & puree. To save for later just put in the refrigerator. To serve immediately microwave until hot and serve with chips. This saves well and travels well (put into a spill proof jar).

Salsa Quinoa Salad (or chip dip!)
Cook 1 c. Quinoa  according to pkg directions, then cool.
Combine cooled quinoa with:
1-15oz black bean, drained and rinsed
1 -15 oz sweet corn, drained (or frozen) Roasted on a skillet for extra flavor
1 can Lime Cilantro Rotel
3 green onions chopped (cooked in oil, with corn?)
1/2 c. green bell pepper, small diced
Lots! of fresh cilantro

1/3 c. olive oil
1-2 Limes fresh squeezed
1/2 t. grated lime peel (I did one whole lime peel and didn't measure)
1 T. chili powder (I did about 1/2 T. extra for good measure!)
1 t. cumin
1/2 t. salt

Whisk dressing ingredients together in a small bowl and pour over combined salad ingredients.  This recipe stayed fresh tasting for days - AWESOME recipe! The recipe says to serve it in flour tortillas, but we ate it scooped up in chips. SO GOOD!