Thursday, December 12, 2013

One handed cooking & Thanksgiving Rolls

In writing the title "One Handed Cooking," I think of the saying "single-handedly" which is quite the opposite of how I feel most days. It's not that the tasks I'm trying to do in the kitchen are intended for only one hand, but rather that my left hand is usually holding the most precious cargo! My sweet Elle girl is my side-kick now.

Here is a picture that an auntie snapped of us at Thanksgiving...working in the kitchen together. She naps and I work. We make a good team.

Elle helps Mommy

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I tried a new roll recipe that is worth posting. I would make them again in a heart-beat. Here is a link to the recipe. I hope you try them and enjoy them! The day before we left for Thanksgiving, Elle slept in, and I made two different batches of rolls, and apple crisp and washed all my dishes!! I was so thankful for her long nap that morning!

Happy baking!

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