Monday, January 26, 2015

Wild Rice Cashew Salad

Delicious. Colorful. Easy. Light. Good anytime of year (not just a summer salad). My Husband loves it!

1 1/2 C. Wild Rice, cooked per package directions (add a little chicken bullion for extra flavor)
-Let wild rice cook before assembling the rest of the salad

Half of each color of pepper, diced
Green Pepper
Yellow Pepper
Red Pepper

3/4 c. Cashews, chopped (I think I use more, I just eyeball it)
3 Green Onions, chopped

Dressing:  (I double)
3 T. Rice Vinegar
2 T. Olive Oil
1 T. Sesame Oil
1-2 Garlic Cloves, minced
1/4 t. salt
Dash of Red Pepper (I use a squirt of Sriracha or black pepper)

Combine dressing in a small jar with lid. Shake well to combine. Pour over salad just before serving.

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