Sunday, October 14, 2012

An oven!

After living here for two months without a stove/oven (which wasn't so bad, believe it or not!) we now have an oven. It arrived on Saturday and so today for lunch I made cornbread muffins to go with our chili. It is so much fun to expand the possibilities of what to make :)

The Lord used the lack of oven to teach me thankfulness and contentment. I was so thankful for the generosity of the Yoder's for letting us use their electric hotplate. Denver had a griddle and a crock-pot, both which I was very thankful for! And the Lord used the lack of stove to show me that cooking my "best meals" wasn't what Denver was needing in a wife. Rather a wife who welcomes him home with love and a gracious attitude; to be pleasant and be thankful for what the Lord provided for us (food and home).

While I enjoyed the Lord using that season of no stove to teach me things, I am also looking forward to having an oven and using it. :) Denver is out deer hunting and I thought it would be fun to have an apple pie ready when he gets home. Off I go to cut up apples...

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